Our Mission
The House of Redeeming Love is being established to restore women coming from homelessness and brokenness. To help them see that through Christ the cycle of brokenness that has been a part of them throughout their entire lives can be healed, and that they can live a life full of love for God, themselves, and others.
What We Do
We believe that once broken women understand how much their Heavenly Father loves them, values them and wants to have a relationship with them, that their lives can be restored. As well as restoring women emotionally and spiritually, we will equip them practically to have the skills and confidence to be successful in whatever God calls them to. At least six women/children will be able to apply to be a part of this program. The full time staff at the House of Redeeming Love will have completed YWAM training and will raise their own financial support for their living costs. This is an 18 month live in program. The first six months will be a strong focus on recovery and setting solid foundations on what it means to follow Christ. We will be using the teen challenge curricilumm, PNC, also things like Boundaries by Cloud/Townsend. The second six months will be a Redeeming Love DTS and largely follow the curriculum of the YWAM DTS including the opportunity to serve another people group for 8 weeks. The final 6 months will be a continuation of discipleship, practical training, equipping, goal setting and transitioning to the next phase. After the 18 months we will continue to work with the women as they transition into study, work or even missions. There will be no cost to the women accepted into this program. To cover costs, this ministry will rely on the support of individuals and churches. The House of Redeeming Love is a ministry of Youth With A Mission
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Mentoring Young Girls
5297 Bennett
Paradise, CA 95968
+1 559-394-1901